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How to add Plesk Panel DKIM record?

First of all, you will need to enable DKIM from Plesk using the steps below.

Plesk Panel for Introduction.

Go to Tools and Settings> Mail Server Settings (in the Mail group) and scroll down to the DKIM spam protection section.

Tick ​​on Allow signing outgoing mails.
After you enable DKIM from Plesk, you can enable it within the Domain.

Choose Domain

Mail tab> Mail Settings.

Select the Domain and click Enable / Disable Services.

Choose Enable to sign outgoing email messages and click OK for DKIM spam protection system.

Note: DNS service must be enabled on a domain and using Plesk DNS.

Plesk will automatically add the following two records to the domain's DNS zone. Therefore, you don't need to add the record to the DNS Zone.

default._domainkey. <example.com> - contains the general part of the generated key.
_domainkey. <example.com> - Contains DKIM policy.

If the domain (domain name) is not using the server's DNS, the necessary TXT records must be added to that domain's DNS zone.

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