What's New in PHP 8.2: New Features, Deprecations and Bug Fixes
PHP 8.2 has not been officially released yet and there is no official release date yet. However, it will be retained that PHP 8.1 will include a variety of new features and images as its predecessor.
A great configuration for PHP 8.2 is union types (combined types). Union types allow a variable to have more than one possible type, which makes the code more expressive and understandable.
Another image is its attributes (attributes). Attributes are a way to place meta-data in classes, methods, execution, owner code, and functions, making it easier to understand its purpose.
PHP 8.2 also includes better performance. The performance of the just-in-time (JIT) compiler introduced in PHP 8.0 will be further improved in PHP 8.2. We expect this to be faster than PHP 8.2's predecessor, especially where large loaded math operations are involved.
PHP 8.2 includes new syntax features, new functions and classes, such as named arguments (named arguments), constructor attribute declaration (constructor attribute dec) and matching statements (match expressions).
Not a big deal, PHP 8.2 is not yet released and the above mentioned features are not official and may cost or be removed as development continues. Therefore, I suggest you consult the official PHP documentation for the latest information on PHP 8.2.
New read-only Classes
The new read-only class feature was released with version 8.1. PHP 8.2 improves it even further. Now declare the entire class as readonly. Doing so changes all properties of that class to read-only. This doesn't work for dynamic properties - declaring them as read-only will cause an error.
A new feature that runs as "Read-Only Classes" in PHP 8.2 allows you to define classes as read-only. This means that any property or method containing the class is only accessible but immutable. This can be useful for some information that you want to make sure that certain data or behaviors that the class contains will not be accidentally changed.
A class exists as read-only, adding the keyword "final" before the keyword "class".
which property or method is also marked as read-only.
This property only affects public properties and methods, properties and methods defined as private or protected are not affected and can still be changed.
Read-only classes are a good way to get some critical data in your application or more security and visibility so that it isn't suddenly changed accidentally.
Sure, how to use read-only classes in PHP 8.2;
final class MyReadOnlyClass {
generic int $age;
public function __construct(int $age) {
$this->age = $age;
$readOnly = new MyReadOnlyClass(25);
echo $readOnly->age; // Output: 25
$readOnly->age = 30; // This gives error "Cannot change property age of class MyReadOnlyClass"
In this example, the age property creation and value assignment is done with the method MyReadOnlyClass class that uses and executes with the keywords "final". If the age limit is then reached and attempted to change it will throw an error.
Note that declaring the following PHP properties will not be possible:
Enumerations -- because they can't contain any attributes.
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looks _
Allow true, null and false as Independent Types
Add-on Unity Types support was introduced with PHP 8.0. A type can be declared as a combination of two or more types. Although you can use false and null as possible types, their use as standalone types is not allowed.
With PHP 8.2 it will be possible to use false and null as independent types. With this addition, the PHP type system will be more descriptive, as you can more accurately declare, by return, parameter and property types.
Redact Precision Parameter Value Support
PHP 8.2 introduces a new feature called "Redact Precision Parameter Value Supply". This feature allows you to hide or delete sensitive information in your application's logs and error messages. This feature allows you to specify certain parameters such as passwords, credit card numbers and other sensitive information and that they do not appear in logs or error messages.
This feature can be used with the new debug_print_backtrace(DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS, $redact_list) function to print a file backtrace with payment and sensitive data removed.
New mysqli_execute_query Function and mysqli::execute_query Method
PHP 8.2 introduces a new function called "mysqli_execute_query" and a new method called "mysqli::execute_query" for the mysqli extension. With this function and method, you can run mysqli queries more easily and efficiently. This function or method