Updates for purchasers before 20.01.2020
- [Language] Parts that do not work in language selections have been edited (January) - resolved.
- [Admin Panel] Unidentified variable: CONFIG - resolved.
- [User errors] Unexplained recycling errors (PHP) - resolved.
- [Admin Panel] Unexpected error in InactiveMailCronjob -> ',' - resolved.
- [User errors] Chat dropped issue - resolved.
- [User errors] Class \ 'Swift_SmtpTransport \' not found error - resolved.
-Defined offset: at merchant - resolved.
- [Magic iuss] summarized under attitudes about espionage - resolved.
- [Admin Panel] Ticket issue with blank theme - resolved.
For those who bought before December 18, 2019
Software Bug Update - Released
Updates for purchasers before 13.11.2019
- [Fleet missions] Recycler with full resource storage containing too many crystals and Team Battle lockup issue - resolved.
- [Fleet missions] Mine retention issue in the Alliance Depot - has been resolved.
- [Fleet missions] An (FC92) issue caused by Multiple Intergalactic missiles - has been resolved.
- [User errors] Facebook login was deactivated by facebook - removed from systems.
- [Fleet missions] No minimum flight time was observed on the screen - resolved.
Updates for purchasers before 13.11.2019
- [LANGUAGE] German "active users" issue - resolved.
- [Statistical] error, with users_amount = 0 in Configuration table - resolved.
Updates for purchasers before 03.10.2019
- [Feature request] Allow Planet Position - added.
- [Feature request] Alliances list when signing contract - added.
- [Admin Panel] Cronjob SQL error - resolved ..
- [Feature request] Replication of information in the battle report - added.
- [Alliance] Too much confusion in language added two types of contract keys (war and secret alliance) - resolved.
- [Feature request] Button to add queue - added.
- [Officers] confusion in the extra Dark Matter description - resolved.
Updates for purchasers before 24.05.2019
- [Admin Panel] Default Spelling Error - resolved.
- [Backup] Unknown configuration key language- resolved.
- [LANGUAGES] language class bug - resolved.
- [Eco system] Daily Cronjob locks error when using other table prefix - resolved.
- After closing [Admin Panel], the ticket can be answered - added.
- [Admin Panel] lock error with PHP: class mail redeclare problem- resolved.
- [user errors] undefined directory - resolved.
- Missing picture issue in [Alliance] ranks- has been resolved.
- [feature request] HTML editor problem - resolved.
- [Fleet missions] some fleet missions are not working - resolved.
- [feature request] dynamic remaining flight time - added.
- [Admin Panel] support system - resolved.
- [user errors] Settings-number spy probe- resolved.
Updates for buyers before 29.01.2019
- [Fleet missions] [fix] - resolved.
- [Alliance] missing on alliance homepage - resolved.
- [Admin Panel] Teamspeak-Cronjob lock - resolved.
- [feature request] Private Message Blocking - Added.
- [Admin Panel] user ban panel issue - resolved.
- [Language] Vac Mod typo - resolved.
- [Admin Panel] info page bug - resolved.
- Incorrect text in [alliance] alliance view member - resolved.
- [Eco system] better buildings page - added.
- [Eco System] as different encoding (always UTF-8) between PHP scripts - resolved.
- [user errors] switcher pages not working - resolved.
- [Fleet missions] Dark Matter Research issue - resolved.
- [Admin Panel] admin logs track player info - Added.
- [feature request] building queue update - added.
Updates for purchasers before 07.12.2018
- [Admin Panel] cache Clearing does not work properly (Jan) - resolved.
- [Admin Panel] file custom.php, overwriting the admin values of language keys - resolved.
- [Admin Panel] incorrect decrease in numbers - resolved.
- [Fleet missions] Recycle missions fail with max moved resources - resolved
Updates for purchasers before 21.05.2018
- [Server] Consumption - Reduced.
- [System] Month list issue for teleportation - resolved.
- [Fleets (Missions)] Task assignment - resolved.
- [Design] Tooltip more consumption issue for Server and Universe - resolved.
- [Fleets (Missions]] new version 4.6 added -