How to Troubleshoot When Your Site Is Not Growing

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Today's article will benefit you whether you purchased a content site, bought it some time ago, or even built it from scratch.

I will not be addressing Saas or e-commerce sites as they have so many different revenue factors.

It passes through various plateaus at every stage of a site's life. The most annoying is obviously the beginning, but when a site starts to gain momentum, it can still stand in its tracks for no reason at all.

When this happens, it can be difficult to understand exactly what happened. Could it be the reduced return on your connection? Could you have run out of content ideas?

Maybe a competitor caught you?

Maybe Google hates you.

Or maybe it has nothing to do with SEO at all.

But Google probably hates you.

Whatever the reason, you won't be fixing it unless you have a system to first determine what the problem might be. From there, you can try to figure out what to do about it.

Before going any further ...

One of the most painful parts about online trading is that the feedback cycle is often long. If you do something, you may not see results for a long time and you may have no idea whether your efforts will pay off later. Even the right efforts may not be.

This means you will never know exactly why your site has stopped, and it also means it may have never stopped.

This article will guide you in the right direction and then help you take the next steps along the way.

If you do not come to a complete conclusion, you will at least be able to rule out potential problems. His inner peace is half the war anyway.

How to Fix Your Site's Sudden Growth Lack?
The first thing you should do is identify this lack of growth. For most people, the metrics we focus most on are income, profit, money… dollar bills.

So for this article, I'm going to talk in the context of a site that has seen good revenue growth but suddenly stopped growing. It may even be slightly downgraded, without any algorithm updates, penalties or any other similar sign.

Maybe he was winning fast and stopping suddenly, or maybe it was slow and steady but then it didn't move to the next level.

Either way, we're talking about how to grow your site and make more money again.

There are two things you should try to do first:

Determine what was the driving force of previous growth.

Determine where you think the next growth will come from.
For most sites, the answer to these two questions is traffic, but not always. Sometimes a product stops conversion or sometimes you get massive growth because you add a new monetization model or increase your conversion rates.

Once you experience the first blow after that, you cannot continue to grow until you add or heal the next thing.

So how do you define the above?

You only look at historical data.

If you are growing a site from scratch, you will instinctively know what drives previous growth, but if you inherit one, you may need to go back and cross reference the P + L with Google Analytics or Google Analytics. time of year.

Usually, you'll see a clear pattern where higher traffic leads to increased earnings, or where conversion rate optimization by a company like Convertica results in higher earnings.

Or, display ads were added to the site.

Once you understand this, you need to take a step to that item. If your traffic has increased, why did this happen? Was it an Amazon Prime bear? Was it Black Friday? Was it a seasonal niche? Have you sent more emails? Or most likely, have you increased your search rank?

A tool like Ahrefs or Google Analytics will help you here.

For most sites, the answer will come there. Your site has gotten a few new top positions for some keywords and gained traffic. Until you get more of these rankings, your traffic will not increase and your revenue will remain stable.

But that's where most people get stuck. How do they get more out of these rankings? What if they're constantly adding content and building links, but the rankings are stubborn and not moving?

This is the most common problem I have seen, and in this exact case there is complete art (SEO!).

Therefore, it's important to first determine that traffic is the reason your site is down, and that is the reason for SEO. Otherwise, when the real problem isn't, you'll run into a big rabbit hole.

When It's an SEO Problem
The first thing I do on any new site is to run an SEO audit. So I will save you re-reading time. Any good SEO agency will also assist you in conducting a technical audit. Good audits will look at both the technical side of things (speed, broken code, etc.) and the on-page SEO side.

The next thing you really need to analyze is the connection gap. Do your competitors have more connections than you do? A higher domain degree

Are there any hints? Are they making connections faster than you?

This last one usually catches people. They make good connections, but if so are their competitors, it might not work well.

You will need either more links, better links, more unique links, or a combination of the three to beat them. The approach I recommend would be exclusive access, because you will get quality links that your competitors can't get. I think a lot of people who recently started using the same agencies for guest posts and they all have the same connections after all, which isn't exactly ideal.

Another thing you can look at is your content strategy. In addition to building a superior link, a strong content strategy can help you find unused or less competitive keywords. One of the simplest reasons for your site to stop is if you stopped producing content or stopped producing content in a vein that is easier to rank.

What If It's Not an SEO Problem?
This is harder for me to give a definitive answer because… it depends.

If your site traffic is still increasing and you don't think your SEO efforts need to be improved, you need to analyze exactly what is driving your sales. An increase in traffic but no increase in $$ means that the traffic is not going to the right posts, or that raw traffic is not a major revenue factor for the site.

I'll start with the insights on how the site is making money, especially which posts are making money (try to use unique tracking IDs for your affiliate links on each post or at least the best posts) and from there too. It can allow you to determine what more you need to do to increase your income.

There may be a few different things, which makes it difficult to include in this post, but in your particular case the signs will be quite obvious.

There will be nuances depending on your site, but if you follow the steps above, you'll go a long way in determining what might work (and what might not) to bring your site back on its growth path.

Or you can play it safe and do what only the average SEO does and just "do it all".

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